A super simple, step-by-step Facebook & Instagram ads course made specifically for busy Race Directors without huge budgets

Learn how to get more race registrations with “tried & tested” ad campaign strategies & “how to set up” guides so that you get back to putting on the best race possible while your ads collect signups on autopilot.

Event Facebook advertising

Want to get your biggest race advertising challenges covered in the course?

By filling in this quick survey you’ll get:

🥇 My Winning Race Ad Strategy – that generated 80,990k in sales (129 people) in less than 1 month using only 4 quick emails + 2 simple ad campaigns

🥇 3 Best Performing Ad Copy Templates that you copy & paste for your next race campaign

🥇 Added To The Course Waitlist – for a fast action discount when we launch next month

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Are you a race director with this problem too?

“If you can solve the problem of getting people to enter a race early, you don’t have to ask to get nominated for a Nobel prize, I’m happy to do it for you…”

– Posted in Race Director HQ

Hi there, 

I’m Damon. Head of Digital Marketing at Single Track Events and Facebook Ad nerd for the last 10+ years!

And when I read that post I thought… a noble Nobel Prize would look lovely on my mantle piece.

Just kidding.

Actually, I realized that is the exact problem I’ve been solving for the past few years while running facebook & Instagram advertising for a number of successful events companies.

So what I really thought was… 

How can I help race directors, like you, who are struggling with…

❓Getting registrations over the line earlier 

❓Retaining participants from previous events

❓Getting a positive ROI from Facebook & Instagram ads

And don’t have: 

❌ Experience in running successful ad campaigns

❌ Big advertising budgets

❌ Resources for dedicated marketing support 


Unless you’ve got someone with solid online ad experience, running successful campaigns is not as simple as boosting a post, email blasting your list, or throwing up ads a few weeks before the race.


Running successful campaigns that not only produce a positive ROI financially but also nurture the relationship with your loyal customers, require a well-thought-out strategy.

Now, I understand that not all race directors want to spend hours trawling through facebook groups, podcasts, or YouTube to figure them out. 

In fact, most Race Directors I’ve spoken to don’t even know where to start or see themselves as marketers!

That’s why I’m working on a simplified Facebook & Instagram advertising course specifically designed for Race Directors. 

(It’s so straightforward you can get a campaign running in less than an hour!) 

You will go from…

Never setting up an ad in your life…

…to effortlessly running ad campaigns using the tried & tested strategies that pull in hundreds of registrants months before the races even start…

…without the guesswork, generic information, or confusing technical rabbit holes. 

Just proven strategies & step-by-step guides so that you get back to putting on the best race possible while your ads collect signups on autopilot.

But what about you?

Now, I’m a marketer, not a Race Director. So to make sure the course answers all of your questions and leaves you feeling like a race advertising pro, I’m looking for your valuable feedback…

So if you want to take your event to the next level, now is your chance to get your biggest race advertising challenges covered in the course. 

PLUS, by filling in this quick survey you’ll get:

🥇 My Winning Race Ad Strategy –  that generated 80,990k in sales (129 people) in less than 1 month using only 4 quick emails + 2 simple ad campaigns

🥇 3 Best Performing Ad Copy Templates  that you copy & paste into for your next campaign

🥇 Added to the course waitlist – get a fast action discount when we launch next month